Monday, February 8, 2021

No End to the Project

The Election was a disaster. And so was the aftermath. I don't need to write about it. We were all injected with the daily trauma. Weekly displays on SNL weren't funny because they mirrored the reality we were seeing on the news. We laughed because it we've become cynical and macabre. 

A friend and I were zoom-watching the certification of the vote and instead saw in horror as the Capitol was breached by a mob of angry yahoos. True, when I talk like this, I'm seen as a pretentious, elitist liberal, but hey, I didn't beat up a cop with an American flag. 

"We love you, you're very special." Print
available at

The dress rehearsal for this event was in Lansing a few months before. Frustrated, fully armed white men saw they could get away with yelling in cops' faces at the Michigan capitol building. So, they figured Washington DC would be a piece of cake. 

The Republicans I know were stunned; they backed away as carefully as they could. After speaking with a politically-savvy relative in a far-away land, we both came to the conclusion that this hideous event wasn't going to disappear for a long time. Ten years. Maybe more. 

The second impeachment trial promised to take a week or so. It's almost old hat since we've been through the constant barrage of insane news in the last five years that we're burnt out. Even the senate minority leader is numb. A strategy if I ever saw one.

So now I'm back to work on a list of new ideas, on a list of issues.

COVID hangs over us like the grim reaper on a cold, damp night. The scores of people hanging out without PPE is astounding. You don't see anything like that in NYC. Not only do we have some major mandates, but, like 9/11, we took the hit for the rest of the country. We suffered so horribly in the spring that we're not taking any more chances.

More astounding is the vaccine debacle. We'll never know what happened there. Why didn't we order enough? 350 million people at 2 doses, you'd think those greedy pharma execs would have looked ahead (read: at their wallets) if our health officials were sleeping at the wheel.

And then, there's the distribution, a sssssit show just as rancid as the anti-vaxxers and their hand-written posters trolling those in their cars at vax sites, grasping at their chance to go back to life as it was before. 

Fat Chance. Invest in masks. Everyone's gonna need two to trick the variant(s). Vaccine or not. 

So, here's my latest. A little miniature diptych. Just gotta get the hinges and I'm set. I'll post when it's done.

Stay safe.